
Y. Miles Zhang, PhD

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Email: yuanmeng.zhang AT

I am an evolutionary biologist specializing in the diversity and evolution of parasitic wasps. These organisms, though often tiny, contribute an estimated 20% of terrestrial animal species and play diverse and important roles in many ecosystems, including natural control of insect pests. However, the evolutionary forces that have driven the explosive diversification of parasitic wasps remain poorly-understood. My long-term aim is to establish and lead a research group that explores the causation of the enormous abundance and species richness of specialized herbivores and their associated parasitoid communities. Only with such understanding can we predict, for example, the consequences of climate change on the abundance and distribution of these systems and its effect on the ecosystem.

My interview on Entomology Today
TED-Ed Lesson on The bizarre world of parasitic wasps


2022 - Present Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Advisor: Prof. Graham Stone
2020 - 2022 ORISE Postdoctoral Research Scholar, USDA SEL
Advisor: Dr. Michael Gates
2018 – 2020 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Florida
Advisor: Dr. Andrea Lucky
2016 – 2018 Ph.D. Biology, University of Central Florida
2013 – 2015 Ph.D. Entomology University of Manitoba (transferred with advisor)
Advisor: Dr. Barbara Sharanowski
2009 – 2012 M.Sc. Biology, Laurentian University
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Shorthouse
2004 – 2009 B.Sc. Zoology, University of Guelph


I mostly work with systematics, phylogenomics, and evolution of Hymenoptera, in particular gall wasps and their associated parasitoids. I also dabble in similar topics using a variety of organisms such as ants, beetles, and nematodes.


  1. Lackner T, Zhang YM, Kindler C, Motyka M, Balke M. (2024). Saprininae: phylogeny, biogeography and a new classification of the subfamily (Coleoptera: Histeridae). Systematic Entomology, 49(1): 48–71. PDF
  2. Ward AKG, Zhang YM, Brown GE, Hippee AC, Prior KM, Rollins S, Sierra N, Sheikh SI, Tribull CM, Forbes AA. (2024). Speciation in kleptoparasites of oak gall wasps often correlates with shifts into new tree habitats, tree organs, and gall morphospace. Evolution, 78: 174–187. PDF
  3. Sinclair FH, Tang C-T, Bailey RA, Csóka GL, Melika G, Nicholls JA, Nieves-Aldrey J-L, Reiss A, Zhang YM, Phillimore A, Schönrogge K, Stone GN. (2024). Phylogenetic and non-phylogenetic patterns in the richness, frequency and composition of links in a herbivore-parasitoid interaction network. In Review, Preprint
  4. Zhang YM, Bossert S, Spasojevic T. (2024). Evolving Perspectives in Hymenoptera Systematics: Bridging Fossils and Genomes Across Time. Systematic Entomology, Early View: 1-31. PDF
  5. Borowiec ML, Zhang YM, Neves K, Ramalho MO, Fisher BL, Lucky A, Moreau CS. (2024). Evaluating UCE data adequacy and integrating uncertainty in a comprehensive phylogeny of the ants. In Review. Preprint
  6. Fang Z, Tang C-T, Sinclair F, Csóka G, Hearn J, McCormack K, Melika G, Mikolajczak KM, Nicholls JA, Nieves-Aldrey J-L, Notton DG, Radosevic S, Bailey RI, Reiss A, Zhang YM, Zhu Y, Fang S, Schönrogge K, Stone GN. (2024). Network structure and taxonomic composition of tritrophic communities of Fagaceae, cynipid gallwasps and parasitoids in Sichuan, China. Insect Conservation and Diversity Early View: 1–26. PDF
  7. Gibson GAP, Uriel Y, Sherwood J, Abram P, Gariepy TD, Zhang YM, Baur H, Gates MW, Franklin MT. (2024). The species of Pteromalus Swederus in America north of Mexico with a 4:4 mandibular formula, and description of a potential biocontrol agent of the introduced pest Anthonomus rubi (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Zootaxa, 5501(2): 201-236. PDF
  8. Nastasi LF, Smith CN, Davis, CK, Ward, AKG, Brown G, Zhang YM, Rollins S, Friesen C, Tribull CM, Forbes AA, Deans AR. (2024). One must imagine Sisyphus happy: Integrative taxonomic characterization of 22 new Ceroptres species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Ceroptresini). Zootaxa, 5508(1): 1–63. PDF
  9. Qing X, Zhang YM (equal contribution as 1st author), Sun S, Ahmed M, Lo W-S, Bert W, Holovachov O, Li H. (2023). Phylogenomic Insights into the Evolution and Origin of Nematoda. In Revision, Preprint
  10. Pujade-Villar J, Zhang YM, Buffington ML, Brothers DJ, Lobato-Vila I, Cuesta-Porta V. (2023). On the specific epithet “vaccinii” of Ashmead, 1887 and Burks, 1979 (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 96: 955–965. PDF
  11. Orr MC, Hughes AC, Torres Carvajal O, Ferrari RR, Luo A, Rajaei H, Ron SR, Warrit N, Zamani A, Zhang YM, Zhu C-D. (2023). Inclusive and productive ways forward needed for species-naming conventions. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7: 1168–1169. PDF


  1. Brandão-Dias PFP, Zhang YM, Pirro S, Vinson CC, Weinersmith KL, Ward AKG, Forbes AA, Egan SP (2022). Describing biodiversity in the genomics era: A new species of Nearctic Cynipidae gall wasp and its genome sequence. Systematic Entomology, 47(1): 94–112. PDF
  2. Williams JL, Zhang YM, LaPolla JS, Schultz TR, Lucky A. (2022). Molecular Delimitation of Morphologically Cryptic Species in Globetrotting Nylanderia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Species Complexes. Insect Systematics and Diversity, 6(1): 10. PDF
  3. Fernández DC, VanLaerhoven SL, Rodríguez-Leyva E, Zhang YM, Labbé, R. (2022). Population structure and genetic diversity of the pepper weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) using the COI barcoding region. Journal of Insect Science, 22(1): 25. PDF
  4. Campos-Moreno DF, Gates MW, Zhang YM, Pérez-Lachaud G, Dyer LA, Whitfield JB, Pozo C (2022). Aximopsis gabrielae sp. nov.: A new gregarious parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) of the skipper Quadrus cerialis Stoll (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) feeding on Piper amalago Kunth. in southern Mexico. Journal of Natural History, 56(1–4): 173–189. PDF
  5. Sheikh SI, Ward AKG, Zhang YM, Davis CK, Zhang L, Egan SP, Forbes AA (2022). Ormyrus labotus Walker (Hymenoptera: Ormyridae): another generalist that should not be a generalist is not a generalist. Insect Systematics and Diversity, 6(1): 8. PDF
  6. Zhang YM, Sheikh SI, Ward AKG, Forbes AA, Prior KM, Stone GM, Gates MW, Egan SP, Zhang L, Davis C, Weinersmith KL, Melika G, Lucky A. (2022). Delimiting the cryptic diversity and host preferences of Sycophila parasitoid wasps associated with oak galls using phylogenomic data. Molecular Ecology, 31(16): 4417–4433. PDF
  7. Ward AKG, Bagley RK, Egan SP, Hood GR, Ott JR, Prior KM, Sheikh SI, Weinersmith KL, Zhang L, Zhang YM, Forbes AA. (2022). Speciation in Nearctic oak gall wasps is frequently correlated with changes in host plant, host organ, or both. Evolution, 76(8): 1849-1867. PDF
  8. Zhang YM, Sasan K, O’Kennon RJ, Kranz, AJ. (2022). Discovery through iNaturalist: new species and new records of oak gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) from Texas, USA. Zootaxa, 5168(1): 63–74. PDF
  9. Qing X, Peng H, Ma J, Zhang YM, Li H, Peng D, Wang X, Long T. (2022). Phylogeography of Chinese cereal cyst nematodes sheds lights on their origin and dispersal. Evolutionary Applications, 15(8): 1236–1248. PDF
  10. Zhang YM, Gates MW, Hanson PE, Jansen-González, S. (2022). Description of a Neotropical gall inducer on Araceae: Arastichus, gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and two new species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 92: 145–172. PDF
  11. Friesen C, Zhang YM. (2022). Rose gall wasps (Cynipidae: Diplolepis) of Manitoba, including a new provincial record. The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Manitoba, 7: 52–60. PDF
  12. Ward AKG, Busbee, RW, Chen RA, Davis CD, Driscoe AL, Egan SP, Goldberg BAR, Hood GR, Jones D, Kranz AJ, Meadley-Dunphy SA, Milks AK, Ott JR, Prior KM, Sheikh SI, Shzu S, Weinersmith KL, Zhang L, Zhang YM, Forbes AA. (2022). The arthropod associates of 155 North American cynipid oak galls. Zoological Studies, 61: 57. PDF

    Illustration by Taina Litwak


  1. Zhang YM, Egan SP, Driscoe AL, Ott JR (2021). One Hundred and Sixty Years of Taxonomic Confusion Resolved: Belonocnema Mayr (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae, Cynipini) Gall Wasps Associated with Live Oaks in the USA. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 193(4): 1234-1255. PDF
  2. Huber JT, Bennett AMR, Gibson GAP, Zhang YM, Darling DC (2021). Checklist of Chalcidoidea and Mymarommatoidea (Hymenoptera) of Canada, Alaska and Greenland. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 82: 69-138. PDF
  3. Zhang YM, Gates MW, Silvestre R, Scarpa M (2021). Description of Kavayva gen. n. (Chalcidoidea, Eurytomidae) and two new species associated with Guarea (Meliaceae), and a review of eurytomids associated with seeds. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 86: 101–121. PDF

    Illustration by Taina Litwak


  1. Williams JL, Zhang YM, Lloyd MW, LaPolla JS, Schultz TR, Lucky A (2020). Global domination by crazy ants: Phylogenomics reveals biogeographic history and invasive species relationships in the genus Nylanderia (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Systematic Entomology, 45(4): 730–744. PDF
  2. Zhang YM, Buffington ML, Looney C, László Z, Shorthouse JD, Ide T, Lucky A (2020). UCE data reveal multiple origins of rose gallers in North America: Global phylogeny of Diplolepis Geoffrey (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 153: 106949. PDF
  3. Lucky A, Atchison RA, Ohyama L, Zhang YM, Williams JL, Pinkney IV JL, Clancy KL, Nielsen AN, Lippi CA (2020). Myrmecology, Gender, and Geography: changing demographics of a research community over thirty years. Myrmecological News, 30: 187-199. PDF Best Paper Award 2020
  4. Stigenberg J, Zhang YM (2020). New findings of the subfamily Euphorinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Papua New Guinea, with descriptions, illustrations, and molecular data. In: Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea Volume II. Edited by: Robillard T, Legendre F, Villemant C, Leponce M. French Museum of Natural History, pp 145–190. PDF
  5. Weinersmith KL, Forbes AA, Ward AKG, Brandão-Dias PFP, Zhang YM, Egan SP (2020). Invertebrate Community Associated with the Asexual Generation of Bassettia pallida Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 113(5): 373–388. PDF
  6. Gates MW, Zhang YM, Buffington, M.L. (2020). The great greenbriers gall mystery resolved? New species of Aprostocetus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) gall inducer and two new parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) associated with Smilax L. in southern Florida, USA. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 80: 71-98. PDF

    Illustration by Taina Litwak


  1. Zhang YM, Williams JL, Lucky A (2019). Understanding UCEs: A comprehensive primer on using Ultraconserved Elements for arthropod phylogenomics. Insect Systematics and Diversity, 3(5): 3. PDF
  2. Zhang YM, Vitone T, Storer CG, Payton AC, Dunn RR, Hulcr J, McDaniel SF, Lucky A (2019). From pavement to population genomics: characterizing a long-established non-native ant in North America through citizen science and ddRADseq. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution, 7: 453. PDF
  3. Hogan JM, Bass AIH, Zhang YM, Sharanowski BJ (2019). Integrating multiple sources of biodiversity information suggests range expansion of a rare species of Hymenoptera (Vanhorniidae). Biodiversity Data Journal, 7: e37569. PDF
  4. Zhang YM, László Z, Looney C, Dénes A-L, Hanner RH, Shorthouse JD (2019). DNA barcodes reveal inconsistent species boundaries in Diplolepis rose gall wasps and their Periclistus inquilines (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) based on DNA barcodes. The Canadian Entomologist, 151(6): 717–727. PDF


  1. Zhang YM, Stigenberg J, Meyer J, Sharanowski BJ (2018). Multilocus phylogeny of the parasitic wasps in the tribe Euphorini (Braconidae: Euphorinae) with revised generic classifications. PeerJ, 6: e4783. PDF
  2. Zhang YM, Bass AIH, Fernández DC, Sharanowski BJ (2018). Habitat or Temporal Isolation: Unravelling herbivore-parasitoid speciation patterns using double digest RADseq. Ecology and Evolution, 8(19): 9803–9816. PDF


  1. Zhang YM, Ridenbaugh RD, Sharanowski BJ (2017). Integrative taxonomy improves understanding of native beneficial fauna: Revision of the Nearctic Peristenus pallipes complex (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and implications for release of exotic biocontrol agents. Systematic Entomology, 42(3): 596-608. PDF Top 20 Most Downloaded Paper for Systematic Entomology in 2017/2018
  2. Egan SP, Weinersmith KL, Liu S, Ridenbaugh RD, Zhang YM, Forbes AA (2017). Description of a new species of Euderus Haliday from the southeastern United States (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eulophidae): the crypt-keeper wasp. ZooKeys, 645: 37–49. PDF Featured in Science News, National Geographic, Popular Science, Eureka Alert, Daily Mail
  3. Zhang YM, Gates MW, Shorthouse JD (2017). Revision of Canadian Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) associated with galls induced by cynipid wasps of the genus Diplolepis Geoffroy (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) and description of a new species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 61: 1–29. PDF


  1. Sharanowski BJ, Zhang YM, Wanigasekara RWMUM (2014). Annotated Checklist of Braconidae (Hymenoptera) in the Canadian Prairies Ecozone. In: Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands. Volume 4: Biodiversity and Systematics, Part 2. Edited by: Giberson DJ, Cárcamo, HA. Biological Survey of Canada. Chapter 10, pp 399-425. PDF
  2. Zhang YM, Sharanowski BJ (2014). New species of Eudiospilus (Braconidae, Brachistinae) from Madagascar with a review of the genus and key to species. Zootaxa, 3838(1): 120-126. PDF
  3. Quicke DLJ, Shaw MR, van Achterberg C, Bland KP, Butcher BA, Lyszkowski R, Zhang YM (2014). A new Australian genus and six new species of Rogadinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), one reared as gregarious endoparasitoid of an unidentified limacodid (Lepidoptera). Zootaxa, 3881(3): 237–257. PDF
  4. Zhang YM, Gates MW, Shorthouse JD (2014). Testing species limits of Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera) associated with galls induced by Diplolepis (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Canada using an integrative approach. The Canadian Entomologist, 146(3): 321–334. PDF